Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Any way you want it, that's the way you need it..."

I don't know exactly what the point is of blogging this, but I'll do it anyway. I'm just listening to Journey, thinking of the next musical artist to sample, and contemplating BUYING some more blankets and such for my bed. Also, a job would be nice. But first I need my car up here. I would prefer an off-campus job to an on-campus one, for the sake of experience. And something in an original field would be cool. I love new experiences. And, surprisingly, I am better with people than one might think, especially my parents. For one reason or another, I have a hard time showing them some of the impressive sides of myself; I fear that they won't appreciate them enough. So, I build them up by acting less qualified than I am, so when I DO show the side of them that everyone knows, they are more impressed. Do many other people do that?

I saw an add-on for a poll program, so I think I'll try to set that one up.

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